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Nuclear War? Possibly Coming Soon!






The Possibility of Nuclear War Happening Soon - The unsaved world is terrified of the prospect of nuclear war. And they don't believe in Jesus. So they believe that saving the world from nuclear destruction is up to them. Enter George Soros, and men like him. If each country invests in all other countries, it would be against one's interests to go to war against the countries one is invested in. This explains why the United States is now a corporation instead of a Republic. It's all business, and requires a one-world bank and a one-world court, using one-world universal corporate laws, as envisioned by the United Nations. It requires one brown race, the result of all races of today intermixing. And it will require living zones where people are easily kept track of by the elite people running the show. Men like George Soros. These unsaved individuals are the architect's of the New World Order, i.e. the One-World Order. First Socialism is established, then Communism is established, both strengthening the Tyrannical rule of these elite individuals. And then the New World Order becomes the ruling power. This is the future as envisioned by the unsaved leaders of our deep state and their ilk. ... Isn't it odd that these powerful forces proclaiming the way to world peace use constant war to enrich themselves and to finance their evil plan? Yes, I think so!


1 Timothy 6:10 - "For the love of money is the root of all of evil..."


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Life is short, Death is sure, Sin the curse, Christ the cure!